Thursday, December 13, 2012

Russian Easter Bread

2 pkg. rapid rise yeast

3/4 cup lukewarm water

4 cups evaporated milk (do not dilute use straight from the can)

1 cup sugar

4 cups flour

*1 Tbsp. ground cardamom

1 1/2 cups butter

3 cups sugar

2 Tbsp. salt

1 Tbsp. vanilla

1 Tbsp. grated orange peel

1 Tbsp. grated lemon peel

9 eggs

12 cups flour

3 cups raisins (white or dark)

1 cup chopped walnuts

Instructions:Dissolve yeast in the lukewarm water. Set aside. Scald and cool to lukewarm the 4 cups

milk. Add yeast and the 1 cup sugar, 4 cups of the flour and the cardamom to the

lukewarm milk. Mix into a smooth sponge and set in a warm place for approximately 2

hours. When sponge is done resting, melt and warm the butter. Stir the sugar, salt,

vanilla and zest into the butter and add to the sponge. Gradually work in the flour

until the dough is smooth and elastic. Knead for 5 minutes. Add nuts and raisins and

knead another 5 minutes. Place in greased bowl and oil or butte dough to prevent crust

from forming. Let rise until double in bulk. Roll into various sized balls and place in

greased various sized metal cans you have saved. Oil the top of dough. Bake in a

350-degree oven. Baking time will vary depending on size of cans. When dough is done

remove from pan and butter the crust. Place on baking rack to cool. *Note You may

substitute almond or lemon extract for cardamom. Editors note: Easter Bread is

consumed on Easter Sunday to break the Lenten Fast and used for forty days after

Easter. Marie is one of Chuda's Children from Kenai. This recipe is not the traditional

one because of the addition of peels and cardamom, which was not available in the

villages. The rest is similar. This is a wonderful Easter Bread.

The brightest and most colorful eggs are made by using vinegar, boiling water and Wilton's food coloring paste. I recommend wearing rubber gloves because this dye tends to stain your hands.

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